Sunday, February 12, 2012

My dad just doesn't like me?

When I was four, my mother had placenta previa. She was in the hospital for three months, during which my father started abusing me. He didn't stop until I was older and started telling people about it, which he denied. I'm fifteen now, he still hates me.

Ex. 1: My family was on a trip while my brother was in a sporting competition. He needed to get to bed early, so he and my father stayed in one room while my mother and I stayed in another one so we could stay up a little later (he went to bed at eight thirty and was up at five, it was grueling physical activity) and in the elevator when we parted ways my Dad said, "Alright, good night. I love you. Bye Robin." Robin is my name. Ouch.

Ex 2. I used to say I love you to my parents every night and it was never said back. This hurt me a lot, and I stopped because I didn't get a response. They started saying it to my brother. Not just "We love you too," they actually took the initiative to say it and said, "Mitchell, we love you." Slap in the face.

Ex 3. I have PCOS and sometimes I hemorrhage when my birth control isn't strong enough. Recently, I bled through my clothing at school and called my father to see if he could give me a ride to my doctor's office immediately. I explained the situation, he exhaled loudly and hung up. When I called back, he had turned off his phone.

Ex 4. This happened a second time, earlier, where I had stayed home during the day. I called him and told him my doctor had instructed me to go to the urgent care center at a hospital she was affiliated with. He went to Starbucks and came home an hour later, at which point I had passed out in the bathtub waiting.

Ex 5. When I was eleven, I had a pair of winter boots with pom poms that had a two inch wedge heel to provide traction as well as insulation. He told me I looked like a whore and that six out of ten people on the street, not including himself, would think I was a prostitute.

Ex 6. When he found out I had been self-harming, he called me a 'pussy' and a failure and not his child, and said I was full of myself and doing it for attention. He walked in on me doing it, I'd been doing it for a year. Attention? I think not.

Ex 7. I was having a nice conversation with him at the dinner table about a school sports event when he said, "Oh, that reminds me. Wait a minute." He walked out to the garage and came back in with a large box filled with bubble wrap. I was confused, I didn't know what he might have that would pertain to me. He looked at me and said, "Your brother usually gets all of the attention." He then proceeded to reveal a framed photo of my brother, and said he had a second one for the garage. He wasn't joking, it was like he was just stating a fact. It was like a weird episode of Seinfeld.

Honestly, I don't know what I did. I don't know what vase I broke or what carpet I **** on when I was little, but the man just hates me and I don't care anymore, I don't even bother trying. Why would he be like that?My dad just doesn't like me?
I laughed so hard at ex 3,6,7

Be a comedianMy dad just doesn't like me?
your dad is a douche. that about covers it.My dad just doesn't like me?
The problem is with your parents, do not blame yourself. Hang in there kid. You're 15. Get your high school diploma and make something of your life after high school. Went through almost the same stuff when I was in high school. Everything was about my brother. I was always #2 and was basically treated like I was unwanted. My life has turned out pretty darned good. Yours can too.
If your father was abusing you, then his behavior is dysfunctional at it's best. But you need help to move on with your life. Don't go through life blaming him for all your problems, even though he sounds terrible. You need to take responsibility for YOU! You do this by going to counseling, school counselor or favorite teacher, and taking care of yourself. Keep your grades up in school, and concentrate on what you need to do to grow into a responsible adult. I would just ignore him, not talking to him unless spoken to, then only respectfully, otherwise what you say can only make his behavior worse. You have to protect yourself from him. I hope this helps.

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