Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why cant we get rid of members of society such as these?

I joined a Facebook group tonight called "No grit, No Council Tax!" and some guy on there posted saying that he doesnt have to pay council tax as the government pay it for him, and the Spar shop he lives up from has a supply of grit he can use "when he collects his Giro". I said there was names for people like him, and this then sparked a huge argument, with many siding with me, quite rightly saying that why should we pay for people like him to sit around and drink all day (guy openly said he cant get a job cos he is "p!ssed all the time"). I actually couldnt believe the posts from this lad (and then another) as why on earth would you want to admit some of the things they would say on Facebook? The first guy was saying he was sacked from his job for "punching an old man in the face" just because he was using food coupons, the second guy said that he was an alcoholic and why should he have to get up to work at 9am etc.

Basically, these two went on and on full of self pity about their drink problems, saying that they thought it was wrong when a man raped his girlfriend when drunk and got seven years. He raped her for crying out loud! The other mentioned about how he fell into his childs cot one night when drunk, attacked his wife, etc etc. It was like an episode of the Jerry Springer/Jeremy Kyle Show.

I reckon that they are out to cause trouble in the group, but still. WHY is nothing being done about low lifes like this? I dont want to bring myself down to their pathetic level, but I have seriously thought about not declaring my income before (should I ever go self employed) as it upsets me to the point of tears that my tax is wasted on these fools.

Why is nothing being done to stop this? One of the lads openly admitted he worked in an office yet claimed disability benefits so thats fraud. Why has this become a way of life for some?

I know it's a fact of life, but it's very upsetting (not to mention makes my blood boil, as I have worked since I was 16, and even now at uni still have a job).Why cant we get rid of members of society such as these?
Doubt we will ever get rid of these people, but like you, it makes my blood boil.

Six years ago I had to give up employment in order to be a full time carer for my parents, and received just 拢48 per week allowance, but had help with rent and council tax. I hated every minute of having to claim from the state, but there was little else I could do.

Sadly, dad passed away in 2008 and mum last year, so now I am on job seekers allowance, and trying hard to find work, but in my late fifties, and not been employed for over seven years, it is very hard.

Like you, started work at sixteen, well twelve if you include paper rounds and working for local shops, and always paid my tax and national insurance.

Although out of work, during this past few weeks of bad weather, I have been busy helping local elderly people in my street with shopping, clearing paths, taking them to doctors etc.

Think some people, although just my opinion, make claiming benefits their work, and sit at home doing nothing but watch the money, our money, come rolling in.

Hopefully these people are in a very small minority. Although I'm too old to use or understand such as Face book, I fear these people may be spreading the wrong message to others.

Hope this helps, and thanks for your interesting question.
Getting rid of them by what means? Dispose them and you are considered inhumane, throw them in jail and they still live off our taxes. You see the sad thing is it's a Catch 22 situation, either way, you'll be paying, either from international pressure or in the form of tax.

Kill them secretly? You will end up in jail.

Sad, very sad, but true.

Most of us understand your frustration.

If the fraudster is eventually caught he will end up in jail. The other oke...what can you do? Have someone knock some sense into his won't work, he'll just drink even more.Why cant we get rid of members of society such as these?
Start a new political party-how about kill insobriety low-lifes (Kill) for short.
I think its all part of the fact that most countries establish unemployment benefits and food stamps (coupons) as a safety net when things go bad. And I am for these programs if they are something that is fairly short term. A year or less I would say. Because most people have some form of self esteem and don't like to be free loaders. Then there are these chumps. The ones who think that society owes them something. Like you and me working and paying taxes and these douche bags can lay around and drink all day, with a government check supporting this habit.

The problem is, the UK Government ( and ours to) does not follow up and check whether these things are being used correctly. An able bodied man should take his lazy *** to work. Period. Where I live, it is a social stigma to be on aid for any length of time. Everyone has difficulties, but you work hard to get on your own feet. But there will always be lazy *** parasites that think the world owes them a living.Why cant we get rid of members of society such as these?
Whilst i am sure many of us understand your frustration ( frankly it gets to me that we have to struggle to support our daughter through university, because we both work..her grant is limited, and we are not well of,yet the single mother of my sons friend gets her entire 4 year course for nothing), but at the end of the day..some folks just don't care, and worrying about it doe sent do you any good. I would not remain in a group like that if it frustrated me so much.
they are doing this rubbish because they are spammers or trolls

its better to ignore them
I worked in front line benefits and the free loaders and arrogant scum bags really got to me.Alcoholics and druggies should not get benefits unless they undertake rehabilitation sessions.Long term benefit recipients should have to do voluntary work in local communities in order to continue to be paid.This country can no longer afford to maintain professional inter-generational spongers.Do not let it get to you there are reforms on the way as more and more people are now aware of this sub-class.
Why does the Queen of England get paid to do absolutely nothing also (oh, wait...she puts her elegant signature on a piece of paper sometimes)? Life is full of mysteries. It's a pity that you can't enjoy the fact that you are just better than some people. Or perhaps you're projecting your own shortcomings. What is it with Europeans and their totalitarianism?
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